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Intabiya celebrates first birthday

On October 24, Intabia turned a year, and at the nearest Saturday we gathered in an informal atmosphere. To make it more fun, co-workers were invited with their significant others: wives, husbands, girlfriends …

The first location was the military-game club “Tactician”, located in a real bomb shelter. Lasertag, in which Intabia took part in almost full composition, helped us feel like warriors. Girls also took part in the game. The machine in your hands reveals such the different parts of yourself, of which you could not even suspect!

But war is war, and lunch (that is, dinner in our case) is scheduled. The staff of Intabia smoothly moved to a closed club – to “continue the banquet.”

At the official part of the event recalled the main stages of the company’s formation: the employees learned about how the name appeared, who was the first customer, and who was the first employee; recalled interesting, funny moments related to the start-up – in the outgoing year, everything was “for the first time” in Intabia.

Employees prepared a real surprise – several three-dimensional logos of the company, the largest of which now decorates one of our rooms in the office.

The celebration in honor of the birthday once again showed that a rare team of professionals had gathered in Intabia who were able and like not only to work, but also to have a rest. That can seen by the scope of the unofficial part. The program included intellectual puzzles, a comic story, contests with prizes, and much more …

We demonstrated the saying “worked hard – play hard” in action. Want to know the details – join our creative, friendly and positive team!

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